This scripture describes
exactly how I feel about Pdays ---> Ether 6:12. (Change Promised Land to
P-day or Day of P-day)
Okay so I have to tell you
all about Tuesday’s devotional. Don R Clarke of the 70 came and spoke to us. He
gave us a list of the "Top 10 Things Every Missionary Should Know."
One of his points talked about faith. He told us that in the pre-existence we
all were people of incredible faith. We did as God asked, went into the world,
risking our return. As he was saying this I couldn't help but think that I'm
sure as we all took turns coming down to earth we all embraced and cried and
pleaded with each other saying "come and find me" if I'm not born
into the church or if I fall away. It gave me a new perspective of things. I
can't help but think some of my friends from the pre-existence are now in
Arkansas and I'm going to find them like I promised before coming to earth.
So as far as investigator
progress, we still were struggling with Ivanleisse. She was kind of harsh with
us and we felt like we couldn't connect with her. We prayed a lot that she
would open up to us and that we could love her. We spent lots of time on her
lesson and prayed for her and asked for the spirit to be in the lesson. On
Thursday we went to teach her and walked into the room to a completely
different person! She was so funny and happy and so involved in our lesson! The
spirit was present and we left feeling so thrilled! We both thought that
someone must have told her that we were struggling with her because she was so
different! Then we both remembered someone did! God did duh! We had been
praying for her all week that she would open up in our lessons and be
comfortable with us and that’s exactly what happened! It was so cool, and now
we look forward to teaching her again tomorrow. God answers prayers if anyone
was wondering. He really does. Even if your praying for a pretend investigator
at the MTC.
Elder Pigott had to get
his wisdom teeth removed on Friday. Since he lives in Salem he got to go to his
home dentist and see his family and say goodbye all over again =/ But since
they were gone all day and got to eat outside food they brought us all back
Burger King. So we sat in the grass outside in the sun and enjoyed some good
ole fast food. It was awesome.
It's funny because now
that it’s getting warmer all the protesters start gathering around outside of
the MTC. We've seen a couple of them and they even have followed a couple of
missionaries as they walk up to the temple and yell at them. Kinda creepy. Some
of them have a couple lose screws if you ask me but whatever. Let them worship
how where or what they may right?
Hymn #112 <-- It’s been
performed in devotionals here lots of times. It’s a different version though that’s
a little prettier than the hymn but I really love that hymn. Go listen to it!
And then go read 2 Nephi 1:15.
Hermano Clarke gave us
some really cool advice. He said when he was in the field when he knocked on
the door, no matter who it was whoever answered he would see them in white. He
saw who they could become not who they were. The same way God sees us. I really
loved that and want to apply the same thing in my mission. D&C 64:33.
D&C 101:16 The reason
I'm here is because God wanted me to be. He made it clear that this is where I
need to be. I love it here and he knew I would. We are in his hands just like
the scripture says. He's got us. He loves us so much. I know he sent his Son
Jesus Christ to Atone for us so we could return with our Him. In Choir we are
singing "Behold the Wounds in Jesus' Hands." The lyrics are so
powerful! My favorite line says "We cannot see the love of God which saves
us from the fall, yet know that Christ from wood and nails, built mansions for
us all."
He has mansions ready for
us. But we have to be ready for them. D&C 81:16.
Be faithful. Know that He
lives and if you don't know that...find out.
My purpose as a missionary
is to invite all to come unto Christ. (Invitar a las personas a venir a cristo)
So I invite you all to come a little closer to Christ. Read through the
scriptures and hymns I've mentioned above!
Love you all.
Hermana Moore
For service, we got to use the "Ghost Buster" vacuums!
St. Patrick's Day stuff that Grandma Diane sent!
Elder P. from Serbia. (Can't say his name.) He moved to Las Vegas 2 years ago and was asked to play basketball the second he walked off the plane. He talks funny and will be serving in the Salt Lake mission so look for him! He'll be hard to miss- ha ha!
Elders Weston Wilson (St. George) and Weston McCardell (SLC) from our Zone.
Brother and Sister Ellis from our Branch Presidency.
*Note from Mom: Taylor told me some other things in my personal email that she said I could share on her blog. She said she listened to the piano version of Taylor Swift today and cried tears of happiness! I know she misses her music so much! Also, she is already getting tired of her clothes. That's Taylor for you! She has sent requests to send more skirts, dresses and basketball shorts! She was super excited to finally be wearing her rain boots today!
But the best part of her email was when she expressed how happy she is there! Some of you may know that she has struggled with panic attacks in the past and was prescribed some medication in case she ever needed it to calm her down. As a mom, I wanted her totally prepared for whatever came her way, so I secretly packed it in her first aid kit. Well, she secretly unpacked it and didn't tell me. Today she said that she had faith that she could do it without the medicine and that she only needed God's help. She has found that to be true! She said (and apologized) that she hasn't even been homesick. She also said, "I seriously DREAD the day I have to be released. I don't ever want to take my name tag off. I cry when I think about it!"
Well I cry "tears of happiness" when I see how strong my little girl is! I am so proud of her and absolutely love hearing her testimony. It's amazing how much we can learn from our children! :)
Love! Love! Love! She is teaching so many of us! She is such a strong girl. I love her.